Nature is all you need. 💙 Duik binnen in de wereld van jouw eigen natuur. 💙 Levend schrijven, om ook jouw gezondheid te ondersteunen. 💙 Heb jezelf lief. Ook jij bent dat waard. 💙 (Angst regeert over jou. "Laat je niet gek maken.")

Friends of Nature

If there is an exhausted bumblebee queen in your garden or porch. Take her carefully on a piece of paper and give her her strenght back with a sollution of sugar in a teaspoon of lukewarm water.
(Source :
Fructose, or if you could collect nectar, could of course mean much more...but which flower still contains nectar and has not yet been drained?

Please do not use pesticides any more.
We (consumers) are provoced to kill our real food nature provides us automatically, in the way that we have to buy (consume) other vegetables : all has to cost a lot of money and to make money.
Raise a lot of money, no matter you kill people and the world.

Links on how to live Natural !

Pinterest : Natural gardening and living

“It's about time the Flemish government follows suit and prohibits fur farming in Flanders”
Jean-Claude Van Damme supports GAIA
(Source :